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Mentoring students in agribusiness


Creation of CEDEP

Centre for Development and Environmental Protection (CEDEP Cameroon) is a women-led community organisation created in 2011 and registered as a Common Initiative Group in 2012 (with registration number NW/GP/040/12/14388). It was created by a group of unemployed graduates with the aim of applying acquired skills to improve on the lives of community members, protect our environment while sustainably managing water, land and forest resources including wildlife and fisheries. We are focus on empowering youths (girls and boys), women and men with agroforestry practices, agribusiness skills and reintegrating prison inmates into the society by teaching them in jail with lifelong skills. We work with community groups and farmer organizations to improve on their farming systems and yields through advice and follow up. In the SW region, CEDEP promotes the development of value-chain through Mushroom cultivation and research, organic vegetable production and renewable energy (bio gas).


CEDEP have the technical skills to design and implement self-reliant initiatives to enable students and youths to become self-reliant experts upon completion of their training. We have achieved this  by setting up a functional mushroom unit at the Pan African Institute for Development (PAID-WA), a tree nursery, a dairy farm and a  bio gas digester project that recycles household waste and animal waste. Our unique tree nursery have high value trees (timber and non-timber forest products) that we use to train students macro-propagation techniques. We also provide consultancy services as a means of generating income to fund our projects and pay our team.


We partner with MINADER (Regional Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development) through our mushroom program and with MINEPIA (Regional Delegation of livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries) through our dairy project. We partner with the Upper Farms Prison in Buea to foster our dairy farm and value chain project. We believe in building more partnerships especially in fostering the successful agricultural value chain projects using ICT tools to better manage it and to market products.


Our aim is to seek for better ways to implement and manage agricultural and livestock projects to serve research institutions and donors in a very professional and transparent way that will greatly improve on the life of farmers, farmer groups, cooperatives. It is only through this means that youth migration and youth unemployment can be resolve.



"Empowering communities especially youths through capacity building and mentorship; to protect, conserve degraded landscapes and improve livelihood by promoting sustainable farming systems"



  • Promote initiatives that are aimed at recycling agricultural and household waste into organic manure and other forms of renewable energy.

  • Provide vocational and agribusiness training to farmers and youths and also promote the use of ICT tools and software to design, implement and monitor projects.

  • Foster the adoption of agroforestry practices, sustainable agricultural techniques and practices.

  • Promote dairy farming and mushroom cultivation through research, training and networking.



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